~ The William Groom drinking fountain originally located in West Street (1904 – 1946 ) ~
01 29597 West Street, Harwich (1907) Bells H&D FW

The "Groom" Drinking Fountain, Harwich, Essex.
The Groom drinking fountain originally located in West Street, Harwich ( stood from 1904 – 1946 )
It was donated by William Groom (1831-1910), who with his brother Samuel were much involved in local government, both became Aldermen, William being Mayor no less than eight times while Samuel held that office on three occasions.
At the end of William's final term (1902-3) the Harwich Borough Council decided to commemorate his service to the town by having his portrait painted for him. A committee was set up and funds were subscribed for that purpose. The sum of money raised was sufficient to pay for a handsome portrait by Cotman, that still hangs in the Harwich Guildhall.
When the people of Harwich subscribed to a portrait of Alderman Groom in 1903, which he handed over to the Borough, he promised a drinking fountain in return.
This fountain was handed over to Alderman Hall, the Mayor, on July 14th 1904.
Sadly in 1946, the fountain was badly damaged by an unexplained explosion, which led to its removal
The Groom drinking fountain originally located in West Street, Harwich ( stood from 1904 – 1946 )
It was donated by William Groom (1831-1910), who with his brother Samuel were much involved in local government, both became Aldermen, William being Mayor no less than eight times while Samuel held that office on three occasions.
At the end of William's final term (1902-3) the Harwich Borough Council decided to commemorate his service to the town by having his portrait painted for him. A committee was set up and funds were subscribed for that purpose. The sum of money raised was sufficient to pay for a handsome portrait by Cotman, that still hangs in the Harwich Guildhall.
When the people of Harwich subscribed to a portrait of Alderman Groom in 1903, which he handed over to the Borough, he promised a drinking fountain in return.
This fountain was handed over to Alderman Hall, the Mayor, on July 14th 1904.
Sadly in 1946, the fountain was badly damaged by an unexplained explosion, which led to its removal